Kyle G Gill

CFC and HWRC Forest Manager and Research Coordinator

Research Interests

Forest ecosystem stand development and succession, silviculture, natural regeneration methods, forest management for multiple objectives, dendroecology.

As our experimental forest forest manager and research coordinator, I get to lead and/or support a number of different projects. A few that I'm helping to lead include a Forest Adaptation Planning and Practices demonstration, a red pine strip seedtree trial, and an FDn33 hardwood-conifer mixedwood planting trial.

When I'm not in the woods, I'm...

Cross-country skiing and mountain biking have been my two most prominent outdoor activities recently. Earl Grey (my Alaskan husky) and I also do a decent amount of walking and hiking - I birdwatch along the way. Indoors, I enjoy baking bread and keeping tabs on the English Premier League soccer.


M.S. 2014, University of Minnesota - Natural Resources, Science and Management

B.S. 2007, University of Minnesota - Environment and Natural Resources

Favorite Tree: White pine (Pinus strobus)
